Saturday, August 6, 2011

Euphrates River Drying Up

According to the New York Times, The Euphrates started drying up two years ago. Here is a quote from that article:

The Euphrates is drying up. Strangled by the water policies of Iraq’s neighbors, Turkey and Syria; a two-year drought; and years of misuse by Iraq and its farmers, the river is significantly smaller than it was just a few years ago. Some officials worry that it could soon be half of what it is now.

The shrinking of the Euphrates, a river so crucial to the birth of civilization that the Book of Revelation prophesied its drying up as a sign of the end times, has decimated farms along its banks, has left fishermen impoverished and has depleted riverside towns as farmers flee to the cities looking for work...

...The drought is widespread in Iraq. The area sown with wheat and barley in the rain-fed north is down roughly 95 percent from the usual, and the date palm and citrus orchards of the east are parched. For two years rainfall has been far below normal, leaving the reservoirs dry, and American officials predict that wheat and barley output will be a little over half of what it was two years ago.

The Euphrates is half of what it was in 2009, when it started escalating. On the basis of the information in this article, it appears that the Euphrates is drying up at an exponential rate. The Euphrates is shrinking to half its size once every two years. If this trend continues, then between the years 2023 and  2025 the Euphrates will become passable by land transportation. The table below illustrates the progressive shrinking of the Euphrates. all numbers are in feet:

       Year       Depth       Width

2009 750 1200
2011 375 600
2013 188 300
2015 94 150
2017 47 75
2019 23 38
2021 12 19
2023 6 9
2025 3 5

If the drying up of the Euphrates is for the purpose and the current drying is the beginning of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, then by 2025 armies will be able to cross the Euphrates using foot soldiers and land vehicles.  The Battle of Amrgeddon may come sooner than we think?